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Budget allocations in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2022-03-28Updated:2022-03-28
Similar words: cost allocationallocationreallocationdeallocationcollocationallocation functiontask allocationcentral location
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(1) Fees increase annually, therefore budget allocations have to accommodate this.
(2) Direct budgeted allocation of resources will aid, encourage and allow planned systematic training.
(3) The budget allocation process is designed to support existing businesses.
(4) The next step was to devise a budget allocation procedure that reflected the health needs of different areas.
(5) Three million pages of information were printed and there was no budget allocation for using outside printers.
(6) They are also subject to yearly review and budget allocations[ ], making them less predictable in the long run.
(7) All plans, however, are on hold, pending budget allocations from Congress.
(8) The centralgovernment has never been good at disbursing budget allocations, andlower - level governments are worse.
(9) It seems certain that libraries' e-resources budget allocations will continue to change as more and more monographs become available online.
(10) Higher spending practices were rewarded for their inefficiency and the more efficient penalised by lower budget allocations.
(11) What political strategies and tactics are used to influence budget allocations? 6.
(12) For example, simply giving more priority to health in government budget allocations could double government health spending in low income countries.
(13) Input switching: Budget term which means managers can change budget allocations as a result of changing cost pressures over the range of expense accounts.
(14) The HOI is a new tool that will help governments assign budget allocations more efficiently, and generate opportunities for all.
(15) This discovery was shared with government reformers, prompting the enactment of formal accountability mechanisms, including regular audits of budget allocations.
(16) Demanding continuous accountability for IT investments allows you to optimize your budget allocations.
(17) Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the results will determine the final amount of budget allocations for various projects, and reflect the decision of the Government in the year-end budget.
More similar words: cost allocationallocationreallocationdeallocationcollocationallocation functiontask allocationcentral locationmemory allocationresource allocationstorage allocationfile allocation tablenational budgetlocation informationlocationrelocationdislocationjob locationecholocationradiolocationtranslocationallocatingstorage locationbudgetaryvocational educationproduction budgetlocatioeducation secretarybudget accountsbudgetary policy
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